The mission of the White County Treasurer’s office is to provide accountability and proficiency. We will work together with all county departments and elected officials to ensure responsible county government for the Citizens of White County.
The duties of the White County Treasurer are:
To receive and safely keep the revenues and other public monies of the County
To invest any surplus funds
To distribute the monies collected to the proper recipients
The Treasurer shall keep a complete and accurate record of the receipt of such moneys and shall provide a written receipt to the person or office making such deposit. The Treasurer receives county tax collections, county turnback funds, federal funds, and revenues from various other sources. The Treasurer, after receiving this revenue, distributes the money to the proper account. Accounts distributed to consist of:
10 school districts
13 improvement districts
16 cities
27 volunteer fire departments
County funds
The library

The Treasurer, as chief custodian of the County’s money, is further directed to furnish a monthly financial report to the 13 voting members of the Quorum Court of White County.
The Treasurer is responsible for projecting all county revenues. The yearly departmental budgets are based on these projected amounts and established annually by the Quorum Court of White County.
The Treasurer attends continuing education seminars throughout the year in order to stay abreast of changes in law and by Arkansas Statute is audited each year by the Division of Legislative Audit in Little Rock. Findings of the division are on file in the Treasurer’s Office and in the State Capitol.
To request more information:
Contact the Treasurer's Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 4:30pm
Phone: 501.279.6202
Fax: 501.279.6233
Email: jhibbitts@whitecounty.co
Assistant: Jennifer Slane,
Chief Deputy Treasurer
Email: jslane@whitecounty.co
You can also request more information with this form: